Bracero Podcast
Dialectical Naturalism: Its Utility and Its Shortcomings (Audio)

Dialectical Naturalism: Its Utility and Its Shortcomings (Audio)

This is my first attempt at providing an audio version of one of the essays posted on Bracero. It’s obviously pretty janky, but I impulse bought a cheap condenser microphone a couple years ago and never used it, so I decided I’d try and justify its existence. I figure a lot of people would find this a more convenient way to engage with my writing, or at least less tedious. For someone who’s used to listening to Librivox audiobooks, I consider this pretty serviceable, but if it does well and I end up doing this on a regular basis I’ll eventually invest in a better setup. As it is, enjoy!

Bracero Podcast
Essays and discussions on philosophy, political economy, and the like from a developing libertarian socialist perspective.