Bracero Podcast
An Appeal for Collapse Communalism (Audio)

An Appeal for Collapse Communalism (Audio)

Strohmayer: The Philosopher's Garden, Athens, 1834. Art Print, Framed  Picture

In the beginning of this one I mentioned Cooperation Jackson, a revolutionary cooperative in Jackson, Mississippi. I want to note that Cooperation Jackson’s handling of the event was excellent, and their work is inspiring.

Recently, Jackson’s water supply was compromised when a major water plant failed due to poor maintenance, staffing, and rainwater flooding-a very 2022 kind of series of problems.

Jackson’s water is (maybe?) close to returning back to normal pressure, but residents had already been on a boil-water order since July due to existing chemical imbalances. Now, they’re either relying on a highly inefficient bottled water pickup system, or are simply drinking contaminated water.

It feels apropros to mention this, and to encourage readers to donate to Cooperation Jackson and their ongoing mutual aid efforts.

Bracero Podcast
Essays and discussions on philosophy, political economy, and the like from a developing libertarian socialist perspective.