Bracero Podcast
Longtermism and the Democratic Culture (Audio)

Longtermism and the Democratic Culture (Audio)

Effective Altruism Foundation

I finally broke down and got a better microphone. My own ears are accustomed to fifteen year old Librivox recordings, but we live in a podcasting world, and a crappy compressor mic doesn’t slide the way it once did, so I decided to make the bare minimum effort.

A sidenote: at one point in this essay, I referred to Will MacAskill as a utilitarian. He has publicly rejected the label, and that’s fair enough. The book itself does reluctantly advance a utilitarian philosophy and doesn’t make much mention of alternative approaches, so it’s no surprise I and so many others came away from it reading MacAskill as a cautious utilitarian (and EA as a utilitarian movement, which it undoubtedly was at least originally), but apparently he’s more of a moral agnostic. Since EA has exploded, I’ve encountered several of its advocates arguing that it can be justified without falling upon a utilitarian moral calculus, a claim I wholly agree with. Anyway, this essay isn’t a critique of utilitarianism of the sort writers like Erik Hoel have offered, mainly because I feel like there’s nothing new to be said there-anyone who knows much about philosophy knows that utilitarianism is at best a very flawed theory. But since I do mischaracterize MacAskill in the essay and the term “utilitarian” has become a bit spicier since I wrote it, I thought I should mention that the characterization was a misreading on my part, and didn’t give enough weight to MacAskill’s circumspection about the argument offered in the book.

Bracero Podcast
Essays and discussions on philosophy, political economy, and the like from a developing libertarian socialist perspective.