This is a really well-written article that is fair to both sides, and also thoughtful in proposing a third-way solution. For me personally, having experienced changes in my queer-ness following therapy for unrelated work stress, and having reviewed the history of the LGB part of the LGBT, I have serious reservations about the APA's position on the entire rainbow issue.

It seems as though it has been systematically corrupted over the last fifty years, to the point where cases like mine - the almost-total resolution of bisexuality/polyamory following talk therapy about unrelated issues - are considered "impossible" and to even try to replicate this on purpose is becoming outlawed. Of course the evangelicals whipping people into straightness are lunatics and need to be in jail, but that's a smokescreen.

Unfortunately, the conservatives are correct that this whole thing needs to be seriously re-examined and perhaps some rollbacks made, however they are, like you observed, grifting. If they were serious, they would know about this and have brought it up, but they haven't, so......

I discuss it in this PDF, ninth chapter - https://zacharystrong.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/zs-integritypsych-illustrated-2022-12.pdf

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But the vast majority of those who choose to undergo these treatments, including top and bottom surgeries, are satisfied with their decision.

I feel you make reference to the argument of “trans regret” that is better as a right-wing talking point than anything else.

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Why would transgender and nonbinary be mutually exclusive?

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