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Every meaningful philosophical idea has been independently derived many times. Innovation and originally aren't really meaningful, but if it's innovation you really want, here's a coherent set of answers to more or less everything in metaphysics: https://kaiserbasileus.substack.com/p/metaphysics-in-a-nutshell

Is there one substance in the world, or many?


Are things physical, or mental, or both?

Every thing is real as a pattern in a mind, and some of those things have an external referent.

Is there an incorporeal God?

No. https://kaiserbasileus.substack.com/p/to-grok-god

Is there such a thing as change?

Change qua change is the universal substrate of material reality. Time is experienced, usually measured change.

What is virtue?

Best practices towards particular aims, some of which are more universal/accepted than others. Some of which are more rational or not than others.

The Truth can be known by being maximally coherent, internally to be rationally and externally to be empirically compatible. The purpose of all knowledge, wisdom, and understanding is actionable certainty and knowledge is always and only justified belief sufficient to accept a particular fact or take a particular action.

There is a set of answers to all metaphysical questions which is cohesive, coherent, conclusive, necessary, and sufficient for all meaningful use cases.

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